Street Art is back in Akumal

Muralists from around the world converged once again in tiny Akumal, Mexico to display talent and engage with kindred spirits at the 2022 Akumal Arts Festival. Health concerns put the annual event on hiatus in 2021. But in January 2022, the scaffolds and spray cans returned with a vengeance.

Street Artist from Venezuela creates his version of a jungle predator at the 2022 Akumal Arts Festival

The artists come from all over (Australia, Colombia, England, New Zealand, the US, Venezuela, many states in Mexico and beyond). They crowd together before blank walls in our tiny town for a week leaving behind brilliant paintings for townspeople and tourists to appreciate for years to come.

British multi-media artist Simon Mitchell was recognized as UK’s “best of the best” in 2022.

Globally recognized open air muralist Si Mitchell, from Norfolk, England, put it simply. “It’s what we do. Right?” And as recent winner of the UK Illustration Championship held in London in June, the tattoo spattered Mitchell should know. But wall art, sometimes called graffiti, is not all these visual artisans do. We meet fabric weavers, clothes designers, musicians and games makers among other occupations.

Twin sisters Beah and Cecilia come from Los Angeles. One paints. One creates.

Inspiration comes from all over. Much is local, some is from nearby, and lots is simply farfetched. There are parrots, jaguars and turtles. Lots of turtles. Seductive nymphs abound as do abuelas in indigenous outfits with warm, gentle eyes. Images inspired by Mayan tradition compete for attention with others obviously inspired by Marvel Comics. And, of course, Frieda Kahlo takes numerous bows.

But this event is about the artists as much as it is about the Arte.

Graffiti expert Tuck lives in Denver Colorado where there are very few sea turtles.

The Creatives are surprisingly willing to engage with bystanders. They talk about their work back home, their families, the sources for their pieces and how far they have traveled to be here. The US artist who calls himself Tuck starts his day at dawn and dances on the sidewalk in broiling heat all day long. He tells us of a long career using self taught skills learned in crowded freight train yards and by rapelling down billboards, bridge abutments and building facades often at night to get his work done.

Peg and Chip’s Doctors’ office gets a face-lift thanks to the 2022 Akumal Arts Festival

Many of the visiting artists participate in workshops for schoolchildren and without exception they speak highly of local hosts. The only reservation we hear regards sleep. There appears to be too little because parties go on all night long.

Make plans to attend this spray paint spree when it returns next year, assuming of course there will be enough bare walls to attract world-class talent to the 2023 Akumal Arts Festival (date TBD).

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